DeViant Storm by LM Preston — author interview

DeViant Storm Cover LM PReston

YA Paranormal Romance

The battle is on. Peter Saints thought he’d killed It. But bad people never stay down. Now the jail of his enemy is weakening. Luck is running out for Peter and the girl he saved by wagering the Earth. Only now, with each second and secret revealed, his enemy gains the answers to destroy Peter and devour the world.


Tell us about this story. 

Deviant Storm is the second book in a triology about Peter Saints and his unwanted war with an sinister organization that wants to uncover secrets he has unknowingly hidden all of his life. His girlfriend Angel and best friend Kyle are on the run and at war, trying to fight off one of the most evil men of their time.

What living person do you most admire? 

I’d say my mother. She came from humble and challenging beginnings but had a desire to survive and give me a platform to reach for the stars.

What is your most prized possession? 

My photo album of my family. They are the wind beneath my wings.

Which talent would you most like to have? 

To hypnotize people. I always thought that would be a fun skill.

Who is your favorite fictional character of all time? 

Peter Pan.

Who’s the favorite character that you created? 

Peter Saints. It seems the more stories I create, my characters get more complex.

What’s your idea of perfect happiness? 

The type of happiness I decide to capture, no matter what my circumstances are.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’d be taller and could see without glasses.

LM. Preston was born and raised in Washington, DC. An avid reader, she loved to create poetry and short-stories as a young girl. With a thirst for knowledge she attended college at Bowie State University, and worked in the IT field as a Techie and Educator for over sixteen years. She started writing science fiction under the encouragement of her husband who was a Sci-Fi buff and her four kids. Her first published novel, Explorer X – Alpha was the beginning of her obsessive desire to write and create stories of young people who overcome unbelievable odds. She loves to write while on the porch watching her kids play or when she is traveling, which is another passion that encouraged her writing.

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LM Preston,YA SciFi Author

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Blood Diamond by RJ Blain: Author Interview

Blood Diamond

Paranormal Suspense / Urban Fantasy / Supernatural Thriller / Light Paranormal Romance
Date Published: June 25, 2015

The world is full of corpses, and Jackson knows them by name. When a group strives to destroy the Inquisition, his powers may be all standing between the supernaturals and extinction.

However, when he learns the truth behind the deaths of his wife and unborn daughter, Jackson may prove to be the greatest threat of all to the survival of mankind…


What living person do you most admire? 

This is a terrible thing to say, but most of the people I admire are dead—and have been for a long time. I’m a bit of a hermit, which doesn’t help things, either. I don’t admire a lot of the famous people, mainly because the media rarely tells the full truth about them.

So, it’s cliché, but I’m going to go with my husband. He puts up with me each and every day, and there’s no one out there who can top that—because he does so by choice… and that’s a pretty spectacular thing.

We’ve been married for thirteen years now, and that’s saying something about his special sort of crazy.

What is your most prized possession? 

My Levenger Circa journals. They contain all of my writing notes, which is extremely precious to me. My macbook pro comes a close second, since I write the novels on it…! I love office supplies, but my journals and their precious pages are my most prized possessions.

Who is your favorite fictional character of all time? 

This is worse than asking me what my favorite book is… so many wonderful characters, so little time. Do I really have to choose one? This is like telling me to go into a bookstore and saying I can only buy one book. Just one?

I… I…

Fine. I’ll pick FitzChivalry from Robin Hobb’s Farseer etc trilogies. He’s definitely up there… and if he doesn’t get a happy ending by the end of the current trilogy, I will be ruined. There are so many reasons to love Fitz… and hate that he always, always seems to get the short end of the straw. I hope he gets a Happily Ever After. Of all of the characters I’ve read—and loved—he truly deserves it.

Caz from The Curse of Chalion is an honorable mention.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? 

Ironically, FitzChivalry’s existence. That character doesn’t catch a break ever. The books are so good, but the depth of misery this character endures is epic. I’m of the opinion if you want someone to suffer, make them walk in Fitz’s shoes a while.

Why do you write? 

Is it terribly cliché of me to say ‘Because I must?’ I don’t think I could stop at this point. Writing is such an integral part of who I am, I’m not sure I could walk away from it now.

I love everything to do with writing, but I want to entertain and give readers a chance to escape their reality for a while and step into a new world. I was a practitioner of escapism as a teen and young adult, and I want to pass that on.

I write because I love books… and I love people who love books, too. It may be such a canned answer, but it’s the truth. I write to entertain, but I write for myself as much as I write for fans.

Where would you most like to live? 

California… and I get to move there in the near future. Yep, I get to check an item off my to-do-before-I-die bucket list!

I’d say Yellowstone, but I don’t think they’d let me live in the park.

What is your motto? 

Sit down, shut up, and get the <bleep> to work. Yep, I’m one of those ass in chair and type types. My solution to most of my problems is “work harder.”

Who’s your favorite writer? 

This is almost as bad as asking me who my favorite character is. Do I really have to pick one?

I’m a rebel. I’ll pick a few. I can’t just pick one.

In no particular order… Brandon Sanderson, Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Robin Hobbs, Diana Pharaoh Francis, Mercedes Lackey, Vince Flynn, Tom Clancy.

I could go on all day, but here’s a good start…

Happy reading!


RJ Blain suffers from a Moleskine journal obsession, a pen fixation, and a terrible tendency toRJ Blain - Author Photo pun without warning.

When she isn’t playing pretend, she likes to think she’s a cartographer and a sumi-e painter. In reality, she herds cats and a husband, and obeys the commands of Tsu Dhi, the great warrior fish.

In her spare time, she daydreams about being a spy. Should that fail, her contingency plan involves tying her best of enemies to spinning wheels and quoting James Bond villains until she is satisfied.

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